Saturday, January 26, 2008

My first Tri!

So I just registered for my first Triathlon. I have wanted to do one for about 4 or 5 years, I am excited to finally be signed up for one! Anyone out there that has done one, I will be asking lots of questions. I have no aspirations of winning anything or placing in any category. I just want to finish the thing. I have never done anything athletic before in my life, this is exciting.

My first tri, my first century on a bike (actually, 1 a day for 3 days). This will be an eventful year! It is important to me to not only get in shape and live a healthy lifestyle for myself - but I want to set a good example for my children as well.

We live in the Metro area of one of the 'fattest cities in America' . I really hope to give my children the tools that they will need to not join this statistic. Now if I could only get my husband off the couch and away from the tv.........


Non-Athletic Athlete said...

I gotta sign up too. I will be going for sure, just gotta get to the signing up part. I just signed up for the Iron-Mac (Indoor tri) in March, so I'll get on the other one soon!

Flabulous Mom said...

Wow, next to the two of you I feel like a slouch! :) Tri's are fun though. I just have other things on my plate. F2F you already set a great example for your kids and hubby. I know that they will take notice. BTW, I love the pic. You look wonderful!