Tuesday, May 15, 2007

hit a wall today

Well, today was a crazy day. I didn't sleep well, and I mowed in 83 degree weather. I also decided to do planks, crunches before treadmill.. (and I did aquatics class yesterday, bike day before that). I am thinking that stuff they say about rest days; I think that I should have taken one today. I hit a wall. I was only able to do about 1/2 of what I usually do on there. Oh well.

Tomorrow will be a rest day I guess. Live & learn!


Flabulous Mom said...

Wow...You are doing great! Can't say that I have been as diligent as you have. Trying though. I guess when last I saw you I decided to get more motivated. I finally have a new bike too. Time to break it in! Keep up the great work! You are my inspiration!

Flabulous Mom said...

By the way, seen any good eye-candy lately? :)