Here I am this morning. Kevin decided my head & feet weren't necessary I guess. LOL.
So anyway, 12.2 miles today in the neighborhood. Although I would prefer to live in the country where I could have some horses, at least living in suburbia I can grab my bike and ride in the neighborhood. No 'eye-candy' here, and no hills.... But still exercise! So I think my new Asthma medicine is the reason I am feeling so crudy. But hey - today I worked through it so tere is hope! :)
Here comes the ramble part - I don't expect you to read it - just rambling on......
So Hip flexors/extensors HURT lately, but I am proud to say I worked through the pain and it got a little better - at least until I got off the bike, then returned. So now I have to decide what is worse, the fatigue & pain or the difficulty breathing. Geez! At least I am not stopping because I can't breathe. Hopefully there is a medicine I can take that won't have these side-effects. I am starting to understand why Schizophrenia patients will quit taking their meds - sometimes the benefits do not outweigh the side-effects.
I have lost 10 pounds! I had gained a couple back - but lost it again woo hoo!
all I have to say about your hip flexors is STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH. If you need some good stretches, let me know, I will show you some. That's my biggest problem right now is tendinitis in that area, so take care of them.
Keep going girl! I'm proud of you.
be sure to STRETCH those hip flexors. That is my biggest problem right now is tendonitis in that area, so take care of them.
Keep it up, I am proud of you pushing through the pain!
Way to go lady! 10 lbs.! That's so awesome! You rock. Keep it up. Hope you can find a med that works that doesn't aggrivate anything else.
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