Sunday, July 8, 2007

Darn heat wave!!

I was going to try to get another ride in today - but it was even hotter today than yesterday! So I baked a cherry pie (yea on the hottest day of the year I fire up the oven - smart aye??) and ate some, and some ice cream... and had a margarita..... How many calories did I eat/drink??

I want to get up and ride the bike before hubby leaves for work in the am - but dang the bed is sooooo comfortable and it is hard to get up at any time starting with a 5.

I am starting to feel a little freaked out about the fundraising - but I think that we can do it. We need a team name so that we can start this fund raising stuff. Any suggestions?? :)

(insert cute name here)
one recommendation from a friend so far....


Flabulous Mom said...

I know what you mean about that comfy bed! I don't want to get out of mine either! I usually try to do a workout later in the day. As for the splurge! I'm sure that you deserve it, but geez!!! Firing up the oven in this weather? Are you nuts? I think that I would have been happy with the ice cream and margarita! You probably sweated off any calories you ate anyway! LOL Don't worry, it'll all come back off in a heart beat the way you are working out! Hang in there!

Team name Idea? Don't know. Haven't really thought about it. How about Cyclists for Life? I'll have to think about it more.

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

I'll ask Tim, he always has good ideas like this.