Sunday, September 9, 2007

Slip sliding away......

Well NAA... you KNOW what this post is about. :)
Yesterday NAA and I got in a good ride at Kensington - just a tad under 20 miles. So we decided to say hi to some friends of mine about 1/2 way through the ride. They haven't meet NAA before.. :)

So I am standing there, I have these cleats on my shoes. I have become rather dependent on them. I know that it is psychological - but they are more efficient than just regular shoes. Anyway I sort of forgot that 1 foot was still attached to a pedal. I adjusted my weight and fell over! (how embarassing!) So NAA is saying that this is the reason she doesn't want cleats & prefers the toe cages/toe clips. So she barely gets this out of her mouth.. next thing I know she is lying flat on her back on the ground. Ummmm... OOOOOOOOOOOOOPS!

Okay.. Annette thinks we are both nuts now..... or else that we had something other than water in our camelbaks.

Goodness I am laughing just putting in this post.. thanks for the laugh NAA... :) Also, thanks for the ride. that 20 miles was good! I actually could have gone longer. I am trying to train for endurance, not speed... thank you for your patience and slowing down for me!


Non-Athletic Athlete said...

Didn't you know that I'm such a comedic genius that I did that on purpose?

Um, yeah.


Flabulous Mom said...

Grace. Need I say more? LOL