Monday, May 26, 2008

re: not prepared

Hello blog reader!

So here I am 6 days out from my 1st tri ever.. I am not prepapred. I am not ready. I am having dreams about how not ready I am. But I will go and do my best. Hopefully I can finish it!

So I had this dream last night. It was Jeanne and I at the tri, with lots and lots of other people. She is all prepared in her wetsuit with a yellow swim cap on, all ready to start her tri. Her transition area is immaculately set up... Then in this dream there is me - I am not even sure I have a swimsuit, let alone bike/run stuff - including my bike. It was a weird dream. Everyone else is starting the swim and I am still milling about looking for my stuff.

Much like in the dream, I do not feel at all prepared. I guess my goal at this time is just to finish! I do not care if I am in last place at this point. I just want to finish.

I haven't had as much time to focus on training as I would like to have. I could complete any 1 leg of this thing... but all 3?? time will tell.. wish me luck and say a prayer for me... cause I am gonna NEED IT! :)

Jeanne assures me that I will have adrenaline on my side... I sure hope so because not much else is gonna be on my side!


Non-Athletic Athlete said...

ok first of all, that is so funny about your dream because *I* had the same dream last week. The tri was starting and my area wasn't set up and I forgot to bring my helmet! So we all have the jitters. :)

Secondly, you may not feel ready, but you will be fine. The important thing is that you are doing it in the first place! The next most important thing is to just enjoy it and have fun. The last most important thing is you get to do it with me! ;)

Flabulous Mom said...

I think NNA has a great point, just go and have fun! You're doing it right? Signing up took lots of courage so don't sell yourself short!

Flabulous Mom said...

BTW, Good luck on the tri this weekend!