Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sore muscles, cough gone

Well, I am going to attempt to resume spinning class later today! I am sore everywhere from sanding mom's floor yesterday. It was an exciting venture, we had a rodeo and a bonfire with those floor sanders. Yes, one of the floor sanders was smoldering. We had fire! Because of issues with the sanders, we didn't finish - so I get to go next Saturday too. Woo freaking hoo...

Anyway... today I am sore as heck! BUT... with the help of some medicine and some stretching I am hopeful that I will be able to tolerate the 90 minute spinning class! At least the coughing has stopped! I think between the lack of sleep due to my kids and general stress - I just seem to not be able to fight off anything lately!

I am doing some research on training for centuries. I think I will post some links as I find them, in case any one else wants to read them.

NAA & FM - can we schedule some longer rides this spring over on the West side of the state?? :) Saturday rides perhaps?


Flabulous Mom said...

Sounds great...Just need a little notice to arrange for sitter. I may have to pay for one but it would be worth it. We could even schedule a ride somewhere in between so the drive can be split up.

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

I'm in. I just need to schedule ahead a little. I may bring Tim too, if you don't mind, and invite Brian, since we are all doing DALMAC this year and it does have a century. So plan and post away!