Friday, May 30, 2008

2 days from now.....

I am finally past utter panic and have moved into resignation. The triathlon is 2 days from now. I hope to finish it. Period. :) I am taking today and tomorrow as rest days. Then Sunday it is T-Day! Wish me luck!

Funny but I can do a 35+ mile bike ride NO problem... I can do the swim in a pool - didn't get a chance to try it in a lake... but I can do that no problem. The 5K run... Hmmmmm how about a 5K walk? My friend Ralph, who has done Ironmans (is that the proper pluralization of Ironman?)told me that he walked all but .2 miles of the run in his first Ironman. It is more about the fact that you are out there doing it!

I am excited! I am just bummed that I didn't get more time to train. But if I were to look at it on the other side, I was training. All this time I have made myself work out 4-6 days per week for months. I am down about 20 pounds since Jan 1, I have a lot better muscle tone, I am stronger, I have better endurance, I started running!! I have never in my life been a runner. I can NOT say that I love running, but dammit I am actually doing it!

So, while I don't feel 'ready' for this tri - to steal a cigarette slogan, I've come a long way baby!

With excitement and anticipation I look forward to my very first triathlon. I never thought I would get to this point. If it isn't pure hell, I suspect there will be more of them. But after this I have that bike ride at the end of July.... And I set a new goal. I want to be able to run 1 mile without a walking break by the end of the summer.... :)



Anonymous said...
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Non-Athletic Athlete said...

It's exciting isn't it? My first one was SO exciting. I am excited about this one too. So glad you're doing it with me. (THE TRIATHON - PERVS!)