Friday, May 25, 2007

Bike Geek Central

Well, I am in touch with the truth - I am a geek. A cycle geek. I don't cheap out with my bike or the gear attached to it. That might be why it has taken me 8 years to get to where I am now with the gear. I started out in 1999 with a heavy and old 10-speed bike. That bike was free, from my brother. It was not my FIRST bike, but it was the first bike that I got only to cycle, not to have as a kid etc. I rode this bike a LOT, 1-2 hours 3-4 times a week. I started getting the right seat, then the right shorts, the jersey, the gloves, the warm up jacket and pants to go over the jersey and shorts - you know how it goes! Just before I got married in 2003 I bought the bike I now have, an Iron Horse Triumph - an entry level road bike with spiffy forks & rims. Working with my friend Ralph, who is waaaay into the gear, I ended up getting a cleat system for the pedals - and of course the shoes to go with it.

Now reader, today I was excited because I found my mini-pump and figured out how to use it for the presta valves, and lets not forget my Mother's day gifts - the awesome bike tool kit that fits in the seat bag, and a small camelbak. You probably don't want to ride with me - I would probably embarass you! LOL

I look like some middle-aged housewife that is trying to be something she isn't. HA! I will get there. Today I did the treadmill and tomorrow (weather willing) cycling at Kensington. please- nice weather! :)

And thank you furs for helping motivate me with your energy and gusto! :)

Come on - let's kick our asses into gear!


Non-Athletic Athlete said...

let's face it, you are a geek at pretty much everything! (Ok, I know that doesn't sound nice, but *who* noticed the license play for Hiro's dad on Heroes???)

Anyway, we missed our ride today, but we'll pick a new date after my tri.

Fat 2 Fit said...

Okay, OUCH!