Friday, May 4, 2007

Skipped some days.. now must pay

Well, I went on vacation for a few days and didn't exercise. I meant to. But I didn't not one lick of a work-out. I don't regret it! I had the kids with me, so screw it!

I am still considering my self in training. Looking for a 5K race in the fall to do in the area. I most likely will walk most of it, but what the heck! Got to get in shape for the 300 mile bike ride in July of 2008.

I have already lost about 6 pounds, been exercising for about 4 weeks consistently and really starting to feel pretty good. I am hoping that my motivation stays intact! I don't think my clothes are really starting to fit any differently yet, but hopefully soon. One bad thing about weight loss, it is so slow that it is hard to see the results. So I guess I had better keep up with pictures every so often in the biking gear to see the difference.

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