Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Holiday Blues

So this isn't about exercise. Just finding it hard to stay motivated lately. Yesterday was the first 'holiday' since dad's passing (obviously). It wasn't a big holiday. It was just a very sad day, a hard day. Dad always runs the grill, brother wouldn't help (he was't there til food was almost done anyway). Mom has no idea how to grill, I had a hard time getting the friggin' coals hot enough (at home we use matchlight... we are lazy!). Anyway it was just so glaring that he wasn't there, and won't be again. It sucked. Very sad day.
So how do I get motivated again? I was doing really well until about the time he passed. I don't know how to get going again - ugh!

Someone kick me in the butt and get me motivated - please!


Non-Athletic Athlete said...

It's gotta come within, and it will, just be patient. Just keep trying to do what you can.

One thing I always try to do is to make my plan. So for instance my plan would be to work out 1 hour every day. Then everyday, I will at least try to do it. I will give it 15 minutes, and if I'm just not feeling it, I will stop. But 95% of the time, I feel like I will keep going and do.

You can do the same.

And if that doesn't work, I will come and kick your ass.


Flabulous Mom said...

It's time like these that you talk to friends like us! Between Non-athletic athlete and I, we will help keep you going. Just hang in there, be patient. Be the poster person for Nike..."Just do it". Non-athletic athlete has some good advice to. If all else fails, go for the man-candy! :)