Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I been redeemed... sort of

OK... today just a few minutes.. I did a 17 minute mile (little bit more than a mile really) in my sub... Walk-jog kinda thing... I forgot how that is harder on the knees etc. than the treadmill.. ouchie.. Time to get new shoes! BUt at least I did it! :) I totally plan on a bike ride Thursday if I get back in town early enough, or else Friday.... I keep trying to push myself - darn kids are an exercise killer! ;)
I am gonna try the boy in the trailer I hope this week to see how it goes. I don't know if I can even consider the 2 of them together in there. ( a lot of that is because I always put a cup of water in there for them, and a book or 2 plus toy(s)... crazy how the weight adds up!

1 comment:

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

if the pavement hurts your knees, try to find asphalt if you can or a trail, which can be a pain. It doesn't really seem to bug me any more than anything else, and I LOATHE the treadmill, so that is rarely an option for me!