Friday, June 22, 2007

Wake up Call

So, have you ever seen a picture of yourself and thought, WTF happened to me? How did I get like this? Sheesh! Saw some pictures from the wedding we went to last weekend. Yikes! I seriously think I am going to crop out everyone else from one and put it up in the kitchen! (LOL) It can certainly be depressing....

So with that in mind I drug the kids out into the trailer. Made it 4 miles before they kinda started to lose it. I passed another mom out with her kids - she kinda snickered at me... Granted we probably look funny - chubby me with all the bike gear on and my kids strapped into the trailer wearing helmets. I am thrifty with some things but not bike gear or safety equipment. Mind you - no helmets on her or the 2 kids and the trailer she had for her bike - the top wasn't on, the kid was in no way strapped in. It is all I can do to not stop people like that and give them an education... But then I can't imagine she would say "oh, you are right, I should go get us all helmets and put the rest of this cheap-chintzy & unsafe bike trailer together to protect my kids"... HAHAHahahah I hope to get out with them in this thing at least a couple times a week on top of regular biking w/o them. Biking really is something I find fun - it's just hard to get the time to get on the darn thing. I also hope that the chitlins will learn to enjoy the rides as well.

1 comment:

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

I totally agree with you on the safety aspect. If people don't want to wear a helmet, that's their perogative. But when they have kids, they should out of setting an example, if nothing else, and definately should put them on the kids.