Sunday, June 3, 2007

back in the saddle?

Here I am this morning. Kevin decided my head & feet weren't necessary I guess. LOL.

So anyway, 12.2 miles today in the neighborhood. Although I would prefer to live in the country where I could have some horses, at least living in suburbia I can grab my bike and ride in the neighborhood. No 'eye-candy' here, and no hills.... But still exercise! So I think my new Asthma medicine is the reason I am feeling so crudy. But hey - today I worked through it so tere is hope! :)

Here comes the ramble part - I don't expect you to read it - just rambling on......

So Hip flexors/extensors HURT lately, but I am proud to say I worked through the pain and it got a little better - at least until I got off the bike, then returned. So now I have to decide what is worse, the fatigue & pain or the difficulty breathing. Geez! At least I am not stopping because I can't breathe. Hopefully there is a medicine I can take that won't have these side-effects. I am starting to understand why Schizophrenia patients will quit taking their meds - sometimes the benefits do not outweigh the side-effects.

I have lost 10 pounds! I had gained a couple back - but lost it again woo hoo!


Non-Athletic Athlete said...

all I have to say about your hip flexors is STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH. If you need some good stretches, let me know, I will show you some. That's my biggest problem right now is tendinitis in that area, so take care of them.

Keep going girl! I'm proud of you.

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

be sure to STRETCH those hip flexors. That is my biggest problem right now is tendonitis in that area, so take care of them.

Keep it up, I am proud of you pushing through the pain!

Flabulous Mom said...

Way to go lady! 10 lbs.! That's so awesome! You rock. Keep it up. Hope you can find a med that works that doesn't aggrivate anything else.