Sunday, March 2, 2008

why I like classes...

So today was one of those days. When I started spinning, after the 1st 5 minutes I wanted to quit. If I had been on my own & not in a class, I would have quit. But... I was in a class so I kept going. I finished the workout! It wasn't the best I've ever done, but the point is that i finished it! :)

Some random thoughts from me today... Why can't I sweat buckets like normal people?I think I would feel more like I accomplished something if I left class soaked in sweat like everyone else! Never have been like that - don't know why... isn't that weird? Even when I am overheating and well hydrated - barely sweat.... ugh....

Also, I think that DH is trying to sabotage my weight loss here. He comes home from the grocery store with things like cookies, chips, etc. etc... I have been asking him not to for almost a year. When I go I don't buy these and he just goes out in a day or 2 and gets them himself. :( I suggested to him that if he just HAS to have it that he keeps it in a bin somewhere in the basement or something... no dice... any advice?? When I am home with the kids - tired because someone didn't sleep, stressed because someone (or both of them) are whining, crying, fighitng, etc.... and hungry. I am not going to make a salad, cook some veggies, wash and do whatever with fruit.. I go for that stuff.. :/


Flabulous Mom said...

How about if you make salad in advance? Or just have veggies/fruit washed and ready to eat at all times? I know what you are saying and feel your pain. I have the same problem. I usually try to drink a glass of water before I do anyting eat the WHOLE cake that I just baked. If I do it that way I find I eat less of the junk food. Or sometimes I just force myself to eat healthy and if I'm still craving the junk then I allow myself a little bit. I know that if I don't have some at that point then I will probably OD on it later.

As for the DH situation...can't control that. If he comes home with maybe you could put it in a bin if he's not going to? Out of sight out of mind? Good luck with that one. If you figure out the trick let me know.

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

I say you just kick his ass. though maybe FM's suggestion is more civil. ;)