Thursday, August 30, 2007

VCR works.... hey wait - got some vids!

So, now that we have a working VCR/DVD combo that does NOT eat video tapes - If you have never heard of these, they are pretty awesome. I learned about them at a RT conference a few years back and naturally had to try them. I did the 2 mile walk featured here at the top of this list. These are nice because you don't need any special equipment or much space. They are so easy a fatso can do them! (I use 2 lb weights but they are not required). Another bonus, I did this with my 3 year old next to me! (sounds weird to say 3 year old!) She was imitating some of the kicking, side-stepping, walking in place... She told Daddy she was exercising! It really was cute. She couldn't do the whole 2 miles obviously - but it was cute.... and I think it may have tired her out right before she went to bed. BONUS!
So it is always nice to have something that I don't have to drag out of the basement, wait for the sun to be up, or use any special equipment.

Woo Hoo!


Non-Athletic Athlete said...

Not to mention what a great example you are setting for your kids!!!!

Flabulous Mom said...

Way to go! Wearing out the little one while getting your exercise in. One stone, two birds kind of thing. That's great. And any exercise that doesn't require waiting for weather or lots of equipment is wonderful. I'll have to check them out. Great tip!