Sunday, June 1, 2008

more Tri pics

Here I am biking in!! Woo hoo! I actually kept backing off on the bike as I was going 20+ MPH and I wanted to save it for the run.
Walking into the transition area from the bike.
Finishing the run. I actually ran about 1 mile of it, if you add it all up. A LOT More than I thought I would be able to do for sure!

About to cross the finish line! WOO HOO!!

Friends rule!!! WE all finished.. woo hoo


Anonymous said...

Love the strawberry kool-aid face you have going on at the end there :) You look like you just ran a tri or something oh wait you did. :)

Flabulous Mom said...

Awesome pics! You look great! Judging by how you look and your times I would never have guessed that you weren't able to train as hard as you wanted. You're awesome! And your first tri ever! Too cool. I may have to join you and NNA one of these times.