Sunday, June 29, 2008

much better this time

So I took 5 days off from working out last week. After Sunday's fiasco and feeling incredibly horrid both Sat & Sun of last weekend.... And taking bike into REI for a minor tune up in anticipation of the big ride, rain !!!.... Well I just ended up with 5 days off.

Here is the funny thing, yesterday I did the 1.2 mile run/walk loop in my sub (the somewhat shorter loop I sometimes take - felt awesome... Today did the 40 miles without a rest break, again felt a TON better. I guess it was a combination of the high mold (allergen BIG time for me)and pushing myself too hard, and too little sleep.

I didn't fall off the bike, I didn't need to get off bike and rest, I could have gone longer without dying! yay!!! :) :)

1 comment:

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

I am so sick of the rain, I'm glad you're getting mileage in, I'm struggling to.